KSB Pump-Water Pump-Oil Pump

KSB Pump-Water Pump-Oil Pump

KSB SuPremE® in IE5* – The World‘s Most

Efficient Magnet-less Pump Motor

Energy savings of 70 % or more are possible
The speed-controlled KSB SuPremE® motor works like an
energy diet: The large efficiency gain of up to 60 % due to
speed control is increased even further by an energy saving
of up to 15 % in the motor alone..
Future-proof with efficiency class IE5
Meets the IE5* efficiency requirements.
Built completely without magnetic materials, its total
environmental footprint is significantly smaller than that of
permanent-magnet synchronous and asynchronous motors.
The use of non-critical, durable materials, as well as
the fully matured reluctance principle make the
KSB SuPremE® motor* a durable, reliable drive that
is in no way inferior to other types of drive.
Wherever there is room for an IE2/IE3 asynchronous motor,
a KSB SuPremE® motor with identical connecting dimensions
can also get the work done efficiently.

Technical data
Synchronous reluctance motor of efficiency class IE5*
Combination with KSB PumpDrive
Drive for dry-installed centrifugal pumps
outside potentially explosive atmospheres
IEC power ratings 0.55 kW – 45 kW
Rated speed 1500 and 3000 rpm
Speed range 0 – 2100 rpm
at 1500 rpm rated speed
Speed range 0 – 4200 rpm
at 3000 rpm rated speed
Versorgungsspannung gemäß technischer Daten
KSB PumpDrive 380-480 V (3-phasig) 50/60 Hz
Basic type of construction B3 and V15, and many others
IP55 enclosure
Ambient temperature 40 °C without derating

Unparallelled potential savings due
to extremely high efficiency –
especially in the part-load range.


The diagram shows the efficiency curve plotted over the load
of a 7.5 kW, 1500 rpm KSB SuPremE® motor in comparison to
a 4-pole, IE3 asynchronous motor. Load profile to “Blue Angel”
Source: Dipl.-Ing. M. Wiele, Prof. Prof. h. c. mult. Dr.-Ing. Peter
F. Brosch, Hochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences
and Arts, Faculty I, Drives and Automation Technology.
*Motors with a shaft centreline height of up to 160 meet the requirements
of efficiency class IE5 (Ultra Premium Efficiency). From a shaft centreline
height of 180 they meet the requirements of class IE4 (Super Premium
Efficiency) to IEC TS 60034-30-2:2016. The motors are free from magnetic
materials. Exception: Versions with 0.55 kW and 1500 rpm or 0.75 kW and
1500 rpm are fitted with ferrite-based permanent magnets.
The products illustrated as examples are partly fitted with
options and accessories incurring a surcharge

Type Etanorm ETN

Etanorm ETN 100-160, 100-200
Etanorm ETN 80-200 — 80-315
Etanorm ETN 65-250 — 80-160
Etanorm ETN 50-250 — 65-200
Etanorm ETN 40-250 — 50-200
Etanorm ETN 32-200 — 40-200


Etanorm SYT 100-160, 100-200
Etanorm SYT 80-200 — 80-315
Etanorm SYT 65-250 — 80-160
Etanorm SYT 50-250 — 65-200
Etanorm SYT 40-250 — 50-200
Etanorm SYT 32-200 — 40-200

PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Zaenal Arifin

Email: arifinspi2023@gmail.com
Email: idmarifin2@gmail.com


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