Oil Burner Riello / burner bahan bakar solar merupakan alat penghasil panas yang beroprasi dengan cara penggabungan bahan bakar light oil solar dan udara yang menghasilkan pengabutan pembakaran, burner riello solar sendiri memiliki banyak produk dan kapasitas di antaranya, R40 G series, press GW, RL, T/G dan lain sebagainya.
Riello Burner solar yang kami sediakan konsentrasi pada proses industri, dan yang sedang berlangsung investasi dalam penelitian, adalah faktor-faktor yang memungkinkan Riello untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanamannya, dan mengidentifikasi daerah pengembangan baru. Jika, di satu sisi, tradisional sektor kerja telah mengalami peningkatan dalam kisaran tinggi aplikasi efisiensi (seperti gas dan kondensasi minyak ringan boiler), di sisi lain ada fokus pada teknologi baru menggabungkan efisiensi energi dan pengurangan polusi emisi dengan penggunaan energi terbarukan. Sangat luas berbagai produk sangat meningkatkan perusahaan tingkat daya saing, jadi sekarang dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan pelanggannya, dari aplikasi domestik hingga sistem komersial dan industri
Type Burner Riello Solar
Seri Riello R40 G
Seri Riello 40 G dari pembakar minyak ringan satu tahap, adalah rangkaian lengkap produk yang dikembangkan untuk menanggapi setiap permintaan untuk pemanasan rumah. Seri Riello 40 G tersedia dalam sepuluh model berbeda, dengan output mulai dari 12 hingga 240 kW, dibagi menjadi empat struktur yang berbeda. Semua model menggunakan komponen yang sama yang dirancang oleh Riello untuk seri Riello 40 G. Tingkat kualitas tinggi menjamin kerja yang aman.
R 40 G3 23,8 ÷ 35,5 kW
R 40 G3R 23,8 ÷ 35,5 kW
R 40 G3RK 15,0 ÷ 35,0 kW
R 40 G5 28,0 ÷ 60,0 kW
R 40 G5R 28,0 ÷ 60,0 kW
R 40 G5RK 12,0 ÷ 60,0 kW
R 40 G7 29,0 ÷ 69,0 kW
R 40 G10 54,0 ÷ 120,0 kW
R 40 G20 95,0 ÷ 213,0 kW
R 40 G20S 95,0 ÷ 240,0 kW
Specification :
Completely automatic monobloc light oil burners, two stage operation, made up of:
– Fan with forward curve blades
– Cover lined with sound-proofing material
– Servomotor to drive the air damper to fully closed position at stand-by, low and high fire position
– Single phase electric motor 230 V, 50 Hz
– Combustion head fitted with:
– stainless steel head cone, resistant to high temperatures
– ignition electrodes
– flame stability disk
– Geared pump for fuel supply, fitted with:
– filter
– pressure regulator
– attachments for fitting a pressure gauge and vacuum meter
– internal by-pass for preparing for single-pipe installations
– Fuel feed solenoid valves incorporated in the pump
– Photocell for flame detection
– Electronic flame control equipment
– Light oil nozzle
– IP X0D (IP 40) protection level
– Reduced output ignition mechanism.
Standard equipment:
– Two flexible pipes for connection to the light oil supply line
– Two nipples for connection to the pump
– Flange, screws and nuts for fixing
– Thermal screen
– 7-pin plug
– 4-pin plug
– External probe (for “I” versions only)
– Maintenance assembly
– Instruction handbook for installation, use and maintenance
– Spare parts catalogue.
Riello Seri PRESS G
Seri burner PRESS G mencakup jarak tembak 107 hingga 1660 kW dan dirancang untuk digunakan dalam instalasi sipil dengan dimensi rata-rata, seperti area bangunan dan grup apartemen besar atau untuk digunakan dalam aplikasi industri, seperti pabrik kecil atau menengah. Operasi adalah dua tahap; burner dilengkapi dengan kotak kontrol keselamatan burner berbasis mikroprosesor yang memasok indikasi operasi dan diagnosis penyebab kesalahan. Kepala pembakaran, yang dapat diatur berdasarkan output yang dibutuhkan, memungkinkan kinerja optimal memastikan pembakaran yang baik dan mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar.
PRESS GW 107/178 ÷ 356 kW
PRESS 1G 130/190 ÷ 534 kW
PRESS 2G 214/356 ÷ 712 kW
PRESS 3G 273/534 ÷ 1168 kW
PRESS 4G 415/830 ÷ 1660 kW
Specification :
Monoblock forced draught oil burner with two stage operation, fully automatic, made up of:
– Air suction circuit lined with sound-proofing material
– Fan with forward curve blades with high performance concerning pressure and air delivery
– Air damper for air setting
– Hydraulic ram for air damper control
– Starting motor at 2800 rpm, three-phase 400V with neutral, 50Hz (single-phase, 230V and 50Hz for the PRESS GW
– Combustion head, that can be set on the basis of required output, fitted with:
– stainless steel end cone, resistant to corrosion and high temperatures
– ignition electrodes
– flame stability disk
– Fan pressure test point
– Gears pump for high pressure fuel supply, fitted with:
– filter
– pressure regulator
– connections for installing a pressure gauge and vacuometer
– internal by-pass for single pipe installation
– Valve unit with two delivery oil valves on the output circuit
– Photocell for flame detection
– Microprocessor-based burner safety control box, with diagnostic function
– Slide bars for easier installation and maintenance
– Protection filter against radio interference
– IP 44 electric protection level.
Standard equipment:
– 2 flexible pipes for connection to the oil supply network
– 2 gaskets for the flexible pipes
– 2 nipples for connection to the pump
– 4 screws for fixing the burner flange to the boiler
– 1 thermal screen
– Instruction handbook for installation, use and maintenance
– Spare parts catalogue.
Seri pembakar RL
Seri pembakar RL mencakup rentang penembakan dari 154 hingga 2700 kW, dan telah dirancang untuk digunakan dalam ketel air panas bersuhu rendah atau menengah, ketel uap udara atau uap panas, ketel minyak diathermic. Operasi adalah “dua tahap”; burner dilengkapi dengan panel kontrol berbasis mikroprosesor, yang memasok indikasi status burner dan penyebab kesalahan. Optimalisasi emisi suara dijamin oleh desain khusus dari sirkuit hisap udara dan oleh bahan kedap suara yang dimasukkan.
RL 34 MZ 97/154 ÷ 395 kW
RL 44 MZ 155/235 ÷ 485 kW
RL 50 148/296 ÷ 593 kW
RL 64 MZ 206/391 ÷ 830 kW
RL 70 255/474 ÷ 830 kW
RL 100 356/711 ÷ 1186 kW
RL 130 486/948 ÷ 1540 kW
RL 190 759/1423 ÷ 2443 kW
RL 250 MZ 600/1250 ÷ 2700 kW
Specification :
RL 50 – 64 MZ – 70 – 100 – 130 – 190 – 250 MZ models
Monoblock forced draught oil burner with two stage operation, fully automatic, made up of:
– Air suction circuit lined with sound-proofing material
– Fan with reverse curve blades (RL 50 – 70 – 100 – 130 models) or straight blades (RL 64 MZ – 190 – 250 MZ models)
– Air damper for air setting controlled by an adjustable hydraulic ram (or by a servomotor for the RL 250 MZ)
– Starting motor at 2800 rpm, three-phase 400V with neutral, 50Hz
– Combustion head, that can be set on the basis of required output, fitted with:
– stainless steel end cone, resistant to corrosion and high temperatures
– ignition electrodes
– flame stability disk
– Gears pump for high pressure fuel supply, fitted with:
– filter
– pressure regulator
– connections for installing a pressure gauge and vacuometer
– internal by-pass for single pipe installation
– Valve unit with an oil safety valve and two delivery oil valves on the output circuit
– Photocell for flame detection
– Microprocessor-based burner safety control box, with diagnostic function
– Burner on/off switch
– Flame inspection window
– 1st – 2nd stage manual switch
– Slide bars for easier installation and maintenance
– Protection filter against radio interference
– IP 44 electric protection level.
Standard equipment:
– 2 flexible pipes for connection to the oil supply network
– 2 gaskets for the flexible pipes
– 2 nipples for connection to the pump
– 4 screws for fixing the burner flange to the boiler
– 1 thermal screen
– Fairleads for electrical connections (RL 50 models)
– 2 slide bar extensions (for the extended head models and the RL 190 – 250 MZ models)
– Instruction handbook for installation, use and maintenance
– Spare parts catalogue.
PRESS T / G series
RIELLO PRESS 450 T / G series burner mencakup jarak tembak 830 hingga 5340 kW. Tersedia dalam 4 model berbeda, pembakar ini sangat cocok untuk disesuaikan dengan boiler ruang bertekanan. Untuk karakteristik mereka, mereka menemukan aplikasi di pabrik sipil besar untuk pemanasan domestik atau dalam aplikasi industri di mana beban termal berulang dan dapat diprediksi.
P 140 T/G 380/830 ÷ 1660 kW
P 200 T/G 557/1186 ÷ 2372 kW
P 300 T/G 712/1779 ÷ 3560 kW
P 450 T/G 890/2670 ÷ 5340 kW
Specification :
Monoblock forced draught oil burner with three stage operation, fully automatic, made up of:
– Air suction circuit lined with sound-proofing material
– Fan with forward curved blades high performance pressure levels
– Air dampers for air setting controlled by a three stage hydraulic ram
– Starting motor at 2850 rpm, three-phase 400 V with neutral, 50 Hz
– Combustion head, that can be set on the basis of the combustion output, fitted with:
– stainless steel end cone, resistant to corrosion and high temperatures
– ignition electrodes
– flame stability disk
– Gears pump for high pressure fuel supply, fitted with:
– filter
– pressure regulator
– connections for installing a pressure gauge and vacuometer
– internal by-pass for single pipe installation
– Valve unit with a oil safety valve and three oil delivery valves on the output circuit;
– Photocell for flame detection
– Microprocessor based burner safety control box, with diagnostic function
– Burner on/off switch
– Flame inspection window
– Slide bars for easier installation and maintenance
– Protection filter against radio interference
– IP X0D (IP 40) electric protection level.
Standard equipment:
– 2 flexible pipes for connection to the oil supply network
– 2 nipples for the connection to the pump
– 4 wiring looms fittings for electrical connections
– 4 screws for fixing the burner flange to the boiler
– 2 slide bar extensions (for the extended model of P 300 T/G and P 450 T/G)
– Gasket for flange
– 1 Star Delta starter (On models where provided)
– Diffuser disk (P 450 T/G)
– Instruction handbook for installation, use and maintenance
– Spare parts catalogue.
Kawasan Pergudangan Laksana Business Park, Jalan Laksana 6 Blok F 09, Desa laksana Kec. Pakuhaji, Kab. Tangerang, Banten- 15570
PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Zaenal Arifin
Email: arifinspi2023@gmail.com
Email: idmarifin2@gmail.com
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